Looking for some digital sources to help students build content knowledge in a flipped lesson?
Searching for online sources that students can use to personalize and customize instruction?
Check out the following sites:

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Primary Sources
Internet History Sourcebooks Project One of the most comprehensive collections of world history primary sources on the internet from Fordham University!
World History Matters From The Center for History and New Media, George Mason University
Ancient Greece The British Museum has a variety of artifacts for Ancient Greece and more!
Cold War International History Project This site, from the Wilson Center, is dedicated to collecting and sharing documentation from multiple perspectives about the Cold War.
Conversations with History, University of California Berkley From the Institute for International Studies at the University of California, Berkley, this is a collection of podcasts and videotaped interviews with historians and intellectuals about a variety of historical topics. This may be a good source for historical interpretation for AP World and AP U.S. History.
Faraway Places, Fabulous Journeys: Travels on Paper, 1450-1700 From the National Gallery of Art, this exhibit documents the many ways travelers expressed and described their world during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project Stanford University Library is digitizing primary and secondary sources in the broad area of medieval and modern thought into a searchable collection.
People’s Century This PBS series has a variety of resources and videos for a variety of topics of the 20th Century.
Perseus Digital Library The Tufts University system as a searchable collection for a variety of primary source materials.
EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History From the Bingham Young University, this collection is searchable by time period and country.
Eyewitness to History This site provides primary source accounts from people who witnessed a variety of historical events.
Out of Africa: Why Early Humans Settled Around the World This lesson from the Council for Economic education has students analyze early human migration patterns. Students brainstorm reasons why people migrated, examining push and pull factors.
Metropolitan Museum of Art This museum has a massive collection of high-relsolution images of fine art from all periods of World History
Collections of Online Resources
The History Guide: Resources for Historians this is a links page with Western Civ. links.
World History for Us All This is a curriculum for organizing the study of world history into 9 big eras.
Primary and Secondary Sources in World History This links page from the Library of Congress will link you to a variety of primary and secondary materials.
World History Sources From the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, this will provide scholarly reviews of online primary source archives, helps teachers to build document analysis skills with students, and shares teaching sources.
World History Online Resources From Pitt University, a list of links to world history resources
The Story of Africa This site gives a variety of information about African History from the BBC.
World History Connected this will link you to a variety of scholarly articles about world history topics.
Women in World History This site has a variety of lessons, thematic units, biographies, essays, etc. about women in history.
History of International Migration From the University of Leiden, this site describes major international migration patterns, divided by era.
Imperial War Museums This collection provides a variety of world war materials.
EbscoHost This online textbook has a variety of readings about U.S. and World History.
CommonLit this site has a host of secondary and primary source critical reading passages, including SAT style questions students can answer directly on the site. The teacher can track student progress and provide immediate feedback.
Video Series
Open Vault This site will connect you to a variety of videos, series, scholarly exhibits, and special collections.
Crash Course World History This is the Kahn Academy's version of World History summaries. It includes videos and essays
Crash Course in World History This series featuring John Greene will engage students in summarizing events in World History. It runs at a fast pace, but the site includes transcripts to most of the videos offered.
World History Videos This is a collection of a variety of videos.
Podcasts: COMING SOON!!
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