Welcome to the BCPS Social Studies Toolbox! 
Need to deepen your content knowledge? Looking for new instructional strategies? Searching for assessment ideas? We are here to help! Check out the links below for a variety of tools to sharpen your skills. Have an idea for another idea to include? Use the contact information here to send a suggestion.
Department Chairs:
Click here to access the Department Chair Portal. Need access? Send a request to the BCPS Office of Social Studies.
Looking for ideas or information related to a specific strategy or content? Each page in this wiki is tagged with the topic or topics addressed by the strategy or content described. The following tags appear throughout the wiki. Clicking on a tag will direct you to a list of pages tagged with that topic.
Baltimore County Public Schools and the Office of Social Studies do not guarantee the accuracy or quality of information located on the websites linked from this site. We have made every reasonable attempt to ensure that the sites are educationally sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything that can be deemed in violation of the BCPS technology acceptable use policy. The linked sites are not under the control of BCPS or the Office of Social Studies but are provided as a convenience and do not necessarily imply an endorsement of the linked website. Teachers should use their own discretion prior to using any of these tools or resources.
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